The Avicenna E-Learning Center held a workshop titled “Combating Violence as a Shared Responsibility” on Monday, December 23, 2024, presented by Assistant Lecturer Maryam Ali Matloob.
The workshop aimed to shed light on the causes and forms of violence, addressing it as a critical social and health issue arising from physical or psychological force against oneself or others, leading to physical harm, psychological damage, or even death. It discussed contributing factors such as poverty, social deviance, domestic violence, school bullying, and political conflicts. Various forms of violence, including physical, psychological, sexual, and economic violence, were also explored.
Strategies for addressing violence and raising community awareness were emphasized. The session offered personal safety tips for those exposed to violence, underscoring the importance of seeking legal justice and reporting incidents. It also highlighted the role of educational and social institutions in promoting dialogue and peace through education and awareness campaigns.
The workshop concluded with recommendations to foster positive societal values and create a safe environment. Key suggestions included instilling respect and tolerance, building healthy familial and social relationships, and encouraging proactive intervention to address violence. Additionally, the importance of training educators and implementing awareness programs to ensure a safe space for all was underscored.